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Carbon Store
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Featured Item
$50 Giftcard [+$10!]
50.00 USD
Featured Item
15,000 Coins
19.99 USD
Top Customer
No recent top purchaser to display.
We thank our recent customers!
Community Goal

Once we meet this goal, everyone on the server will receive a key all!


Welcome to the CarbonMC store, you can view our packages by browsing using the navigation menu!


We accept many different payment methods through our checkout, but if you have issues or can't find one that works, join our Discord and create a ticket here!


A chargeback will result in a permanent, non-appealable blacklist!

Featured Item
$50 Giftcard [+$10!]
50.00 USD
Featured Item
15,000 Coins
19.99 USD
Top Customer
No recent top purchaser to display.
We thank our recent customers!
Community Goal

Once we meet this goal, everyone on the server will receive a key all!

For questions or support on in-game purchases, contact Please include your in-game name.
Refund Policy
When you make a purchase, you acknowledge that all purchases are final. We cannot provide a refund under any circumstances.
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